Romans 12:2
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Have you ever felt like everything was falling apart in your life all at once? No matter what you do to get ahead nothing seems to work out. It’s like everything and everyone has decided to attack you all at once. What makes it even harder is that everything that is pulling at you is a part of this thing called adulthood. Who would have thought being an adult would be so difficult at times? As a single mother I feel like I’m always being pulled in several directions. I knew I had to learn how to stretch in order to accomplish everything that I’m responsible for and changing my mindset has changed my life. I had to stretch my mind to believe that I could accomplish anything that I set my mind to and that I had everything that I needed within me to make it possible. To me stretching is a form of expanding your mind beyond what you can see and fully trusting God’s word. It allows you to truly walk by faith and not by sight.
I recall a recent time I stretched my mind and my faith to believe God’s words when my situation looked completely different. I was leaving to pick my boys up from daycare after finishing my errands when I discovered my car wouldn’t start. I have an older BMW so I already knew that the repairs would be expensive. I remember screaming and crying and feeling completely broken because I was already struggling financially. This was the second time that my car had broken within six months, I had just downsized my apartment to save money and I was surviving off my overdraft protection. Whatever the cost was I knew couldn’t afford it. Somehow, I got it together and called my brother to pick up my boys then I broke down again but this time something different happened. This time I somehow knew I would be getting a Honda, and everything would work out. I felt a sense of peace but I kind of felt foolish at the same time because I thought there was no way I could get a new car at this point in my life because of my finances.
My situation looked like an instant denial because my credit was terrible, plus no running trade-in, or a down payment. I still had another week before I would get paid to even find out what was wrong with the car. There was no way I could afford a rental car, so I decided to pray then apply for the Honda online. Strangely once I decided to apply for a new car every doubt entered my head about why I wouldn’t get it and people in my life tried to talk me out of it, but my mind was made up I was trusting God’s word and I wouldn’t be moved. Even though I was afraid of wasting my time and damaging my credit even more I applied for the car anyway. I was surprised that after a couple of hours I was approved for the Honda. I was even able to repair my car, catch up on my child-care expenses, and after three months my account was no longer overdrawn. Never trust your situation because you can only see so much. Allow your inner voice to guide you even when you are afraid because God is leading you to the things He can only see.

As things continued to improve in my life, I decided it was time to relocate to Pearland. I initially felt God leading me to move to Pearland in 2016 but everything I did was near Clear Lake. Slowly everything started to shift in my life leading me away from Clear Lake and towards Pearland. The pull was so strong I even knew the day that I would find my new apartment I just didn’t know the location. The Friday to find my apartment finally arrived and I was so excited because I knew I would be starting a new chapter soon. The first apartment complex I visited was a no go because the leasing agent was rude and wouldn’t even check for vacancies. The second apartment was entirely too small for the price and one property I drove to had, such a negative vibe I immediately turned around. I started to feel like maybe I wouldn’t find my apartment that day, but I remembered what God said. I immediately said out loud that God said that I would find my apartment today so where is it. This was the first time that I felt like I was challenging my situation with God’s words out loud. As I continued to drive, I was guided to turn near a local junior high that was named after one of our local hometown heroes. The first thing that spoke to me about the apartment as I drove towards the leasing office was the numbers in the address. The address included the numbers 2020 which are special to me because I feel that God gives me 2020 vision in life which is the reason why I use them. This apartment complex was beautiful, the leasing agent was kind and they were running an excellent move in special. The apartment is in a wonderful location, my boys’ schools share a parking lot, I’m close to everything, and I have found a great church. Oh, I forgot mention that the apartment is larger and cheaper than my last one. I know that only God could align these things up so perfectly. I have experienced improvements in all areas of life, and I finally have time to focus on my dreams. While everything was falling apart one thing that I did not realize that I was being gracefully broken before being made whole in Christ. Look at God, He has the power to turn all things around!!
One major lesson that I learned from stretching in order to reach God’s promises you must do the work. I had to first be open to receive His word, believe it, and then act on it. Don’t worry about how old you are, what other people are saying and doing, or how much time has passed because to God one day is like a thousand and His word is never changing. Never be afraid to stretch for things that you feel are beyond your reach because one day you will be holding them. In life things are difficult no debating that, but we must reach for what we want in life and go for it, full force no excuses. Learning to stretch and expand my mind has been one of the greatest things that I have developed along my spiritual journey. I feel there is nothing that I can not overcome as long I have God by my side. Also, whenever difficulties arise, I know that I have the strongest partner to tag in when I can no longer handle this thing called life. Believing in God for everything to work out and knowing that when He gives you a word you will never be disappointed has truly changed my outlook on life. My journey continues…
Do your soul searching find out what it is that you need do to regain your peace and wholeness then stretch your mind to make it happen. Ask yourself these questions what things are you afraid to reach for? What do you feel is holding you hostage? What are you afraid to let go of? Are you ready to surrender?