John 1:12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

As I sat on my bed lost in thought about my rapidly approaching birthday. I found myself at my big age not remembering what it felt like to be someone’s daughter. Having someone who makes sure you are taking care of yourself, resting, eating, etc. No matter what time you called she’s going to pick up. Someone that is going to correct you when you are wrong and support you when you are right. Your external voice of reason.

 It has been 22 years since I could officially wear the title. Like many my biological father was someone I barely knew, so I never felt much of a connection with him. Nothing close enough for me to consider myself his daughter. His life was more important to him than the life he had created.

Plus, he was just another person in my life full of broken promises and the season of me chasing his love expired years ago. All I can do now is keep him in my prayers. The longer I sat there in my thoughts and self-pity the sadder I found myself. But before it could take root the Holy Spirit snapped me back into my reality with four words. “You Are God’s Daughter”.

There are no other words that can break me down to that ugly cry and bring me total joy at the same time than words from the Holy Spirit. Almost instantly my thought process shifted to what it meant to be God’s daughter. Growing up hearing John 3:16 I knew God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten son and because I believed in Him, I would receive eternal life, but how did that translate into being God’s daughter.

I spent the next hour or so googling what it was like being God’s daughter because I was curious about other ladies’ experiences, but nothing resonated with me. Knowing that I always received clarity from the Holy Spirit I prayed for God to open my eyes to show me what it was like to be His daughter. Over the next few weeks, I would clearly see how God had me in the palm of His hand.

He listens. As a little girl one thing I remember that I desired the most was to be heard. I grew up in one of those “seen and not heard” households. Where as soon as the word feelings were spoken it was soon followed by “you are too young to have any feelings”. I remember many times rehearsing the words I wanted to say to my mother only to be shut down shortly after opening my mouth. God is nothing like that. He lets you pour out your heart until you are left without words and after one or two things forgotten things, God starts speaking to you. It may not be instantly, but the more you come to Him and spend time in His presence you will begin to hear from Him.

To me that’s when everything changed when I started listening. God provides explanations to past situations that you thought you would never receive. He even tells you where you were wrong and where you need to repent. Areas where I wanted to place blame completely on the other person the Lord shed light where I had given them permission to behave as they did because I remained silent when I should have been screaming NO. Nothing is ever wasted, just like Denzel after spending time in His presence I am leaving with something.

He Protects. After walking with the Lord for a while the Holy Spirit’s voice becomes the loudest voice you hear. Say what you want I will be a sheep all day long because like John 10:5, says His sheep know His voice and another they will not follow, but flee from him. Fleeing all day, sheep all day. Another aspect of having a deeper relationship with God is that you recognize when it is not Him even when it is the church. After Jesus snatched me out of the world I did not start going to church right away, but instead I dove into my Bible and binged sermons on YouTube.

 The first church I went to was get, but they were only serving milk, donuts, and pizza. The word was there just not enough of it. The next church was great until an answered prayer shifted everything. As the church was having a fundraiser a prayer over the amount of money to donate the Holy Spirt responded “Nothing”. When I pushed the issue in prayer, the answer became crystal clear. The second response was “I’m not concerned about that fundraiser.” I did not donate anything, but I remain a member of the church. Months later I would go on to host a life group through the church. It was the hardest thing I ever done.

1) One to two attendees participated, so I was left basically talking to myself which went by quickly way before the time was up. 2) The pastor was there in watch-only mode, no participation added. During my last session the Holy Spirit told me I would be leaving the church. I separated myself instantly, even though church withdrawals led me back a few times. Fast forward a few months later the pastor’s right-hand man let it slip that the fundraiser money was to be used for other reasons than what was presented to everyone. God protected my funds and kept them in my pocket. I will share one more because this could go on for days.

Next, after ending things with this gentleman I felt could have been the one The Lord protected me from heartache.  I learned a lot in that relationship which I am grateful for so when that ex came knocking, I was like “of course you can come in”. It did not take long for me to be sucked in with his sweet words. I forgot every warning that was given to me while in the relationship. I guess when I was too close to the edge, I heard an audible voice in my left ear saying, “wait one more day”. The timing was perfect because he had just asked me to give him another chance. My response was easy, I said let’s wait one more day. With excitement about the possibility of another chance starting the next day he made lunch plans for us. 

When I woke the next morning, I decided I was going to have a wonderful lunch even if it was without him. Not wanting to seem too eager I did not call him until around lunch time. He answered quickly, but his tone told me everything I needed to know before his words could. This ninja said” he was struggling to get out of the bed”. With the Holy Spirit in control, I simply said “ok” and ended the call. I never spoke to him again. Heartache avoided.

He provides. I know it is obvious that the Lord provides, but when the Lord provides for me when I less expect it, it blows my mind every time. It 2018 when I wasn’t even searching, He provided me with the highest paying staff nursing job I have ever had. One morning while getting ready for work the Lord placed a knowing in my spirit that I would be getting a new job. Once I arrived to work my prayer partner told me the same thing. That morning the Holy Spirit had also told her I would be getting a new job. I felt this was to open my heart to receiving what I wasn’t looking for at the time but needed.

Over the next few weeks, I was contacted by several nursing recruiters not knowing which one to choose I went back to the Lord in prayer. When the right one came across my email a knowing was placed in my spirit, so I responded and scheduled an interview. Wanting to be prepared ahead of time I searched through their opening positions and there were several in just about every department. Not knowing what to do I went back to the Lord, and I received I was to work in transplant. My first interview was scheduled with the cardiology department, and it went well. She even offered me the job.

After the recruiter finished reviewing the benefits the job had to offer she informed me that even though the cardiology manager offered me a position the transplant manager wanted to interview me as well. Right away I know this was it, so of course I interviewed with her. The transplant manager did not ask me one question she just told me about the unit and the staff members. When I left I had no clue if I would get the position or not.

To my surprise the nursing recruiter called a couple of days later to offer me the position. The increase in salary was right on time. Fast forward a year after taking the position I was instructed to change my status from full-time to part-time. As I single mother of two I thought there is no way I can go part-time and survive. For as long as I can remember I worked 40 to 60 hours a week, but I changed my status anyway. In the beginning I struggled not to work more than two days a week then COVID hit. Baby at that point you did not have to tell me twice to only work two days a week. See again there He goes protecting in the middle of a storm.

Now in 2024 I’m still part-time. I’m blessed to have time to take my boys to school every day, I have time to explore new things, and most importantly I have more time to spend with Him. Looking back now I realize that this was another answered prayer. Years before I had prayed to have more time with my boys because they spent so much time at daycare or with nannies.

I could go on, but I will share one more then cover how you can position yourself as a child of God.

He provides rest. Growing up there was no extra activities if all conditions were not perfect. That means in order to go hang out with my friends or go to an event every chore had to be completed to perfection. Whenever there was something I wanted to do I made sure that my chores were completed, and I remained on my best behavior until it was time to ask permission. Many times no matter how I prepared her answer would be “no”. This even included sleeping in on the weekend. If the house was not clean to my mom’s standards you could expect an early wake-up call.

Unbeknownst to me this pattern made me treat God differently. I treated God as if He responded to me based on my actions. When Jesus snatched me out of the world in 2016, I was led to post motivational content to God’s people online. Shortly after I started on social media, I started a blog to share longer form content. In the beginning things were great I was able to manage everything along with my other responsibilities, but of course that didn’t last too long.

Before long I found myself feeling weighed down with what I once loved. My postings became inconsistent because deep down I was longing to take a break, but I wanted to remain pleasing to God. When I finally gave in and agreed to take a break it was a struggle in the beginning. I found myself struggling not to work on content and just rest, but it didn’t take long to find my flow.

Finding rest in God provided me with much clarity. It allowed me to realize how much God truly loves me, not my works, simply me. For years I had been treating God in the same manner that I had treated my mother with. I moved as though He blessed me based on the different things I accomplished and not His goodness. After gaining clarity in this area, I was able to rest fully and those after naps were wonderful!

The first step to experiencing the goodness of being God’s daughter is accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. In John 14:6 Jesus says” I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one cometh unto the Father but by me”. After you have established your foundation it’s time to build your relationship. Start with confessing your known sin. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us from all unrighteousness.”

Next you can dive deeper by asking God to expose any unknown sin in your life, then repent. Once you have completed this it’s time to nurture your new relationship. You do this through prayer, spending time with God, reading your Bible, and fasting. As you continue to do this you will get closer to God, but most importantly God will grow within you and watch the blessings of the Bible reveal themselves in your life.  

 Will you accept your invitation to become God’s daughter or God’s son for the brothers reading this? Reach out with any questions my email is open. Kingdom-related inquiries only.  

Peace, Love, & Blessings!


Categories: Facing Fears

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