2 Timothy 1:7
For God didn’t give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control.
Anytime I need a good laugh and I can’t find anything to watch I turn on Girls Trip. This is still one of the funniest movies to me. One message that stood out for me was you can have it all after you find out what is on the other side of your fear. I believe fear of the unknown is the major reason we don’t accomplish the goals we set for ourselves. We set limits for ourselves based on what we see as our weaknesses instead of our gifts. There are times we will defeat ourselves before we even begin. While writing this I have stopped several times because I almost allowed my fear to take over. But I decided to keep going and level up in my journey away from the bedside and work my vision. As I face each fear, I feel my faith increasing and my purpose is growing clearer. I believe this message will help someone overcome a fear and realize that all things are possible in Jesus name, Amen.
As a child I remember being very soft spoken because my mama spoke for everyone, so everything was always understood. I would wear whatever clothes she picked out for me because my fear kept me from telling her what I wanted to wear. There was this matching top and bottom, colorful flower short set with a polka dotted black and white belt she absolutely loved, and I hated of course. But I would wear it because I was afraid to speak up because I did not want to hurt her feelings or to get yelled at. Eventually, I learned to hide the clothes I really didn’t like and sometimes she would forget all about them. Hiding the clothes worked for awhile until I was almost 15 and starting high school. I remember standing in the Weiner’s in Alvin, Texas when I had to tell my mama I did not like something and I saw her face change. Her was upset and she fussed a little bit, but she got over it. I remember feeling like I wished I would have said something earlier. I felt stronger once that fear was faced and I had cuter clothes for it in the process.
As adults, I know we have all stayed in situations a little too long because of what we feared we may lose if we were to leave. The situation may be a bad relationship, a bad friendship, or even a career. I would stay in a situation well after I knew the thrill was gone because I feared being alone. I would make up any excuse for the person’s behavior even though I knew they were wrong. I was weak in this area until I prayed to God for strength and for Him to remove the things that were not good for me. In the beginning I was afraid to pray this prayer because I feared who may walk away or what I may have to give up. Gradually, I faced my fears and prayed this prayer until I gained clarity. But once I gained sight nothing would be the same. Its funny that when God removes someone or something from your life, He allows them to walk away from you without causing you much pain or drama. I found my inner peace once I learned how to pray, give it to God, and wait. Things always work themselves out and life goes on peacefully. The last thing that stands out from this movie is no matter what, always remember to pray. Prayer is your secret weapon, never leave home without it..
I have overcome many fears in my life and I’m pretty sure I will have many more to face because I plan to keep challenging myself daily. Another for sure thing is that I will overcome each one of them because I know where my strength comes from and His source never runs dry. Life is all about facing your fears and challenging yourself and if you stay on your path doors will open for you no man can close. Never stop believing in yourself because you were created to do amazing things. Remember whatever you feed will grow. Do you want to feed your fear or your faith? What fears do you need to face? If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. And another thing if you don’t face your fears you might end up in a bad situation in an ugly outfit. Many Blessings. My journey continues…