2 Corinthians 1:3-4
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others, when they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.

Not all blessings are related to money. The Lord blesses us in many ways and with the lessons we receive we are supposed to bless others.
Back in the Day
July 24th was always a day for us to celebrate, it was my mom’s birthday. We would prepare all day and she would celebrate all night. Friday, she would have turned 64, but instead of preparing I am only left to think of the good memories we shared. 19 years ago, I was in a completely different mindset than I am in today. Managing the sudden and unexpected death of my mother was one of the darkest seasons of my life. Looking back is always like watching a movie you have already seen. You notice something different each time. This time I recognized the comfort and support the Lord provided to me.
Even though I was extremely sad as one could be, I did not want to share that grief with my brothers. I did not want to risk making them sadder than they already were. For years I focused on the support I did not receive but living a life of gratitude changes everything. I can clearly see all the support that surrounded me during that season. I see my childhood friend spending hours sitting on the porch listening to every conspiracy theory I could think of to explain my mother’s sudden death. No matter how crazy my theories sounded he listened to them all and never said anything negative about them.
Love Never Dies
The support that I experienced to comfort me during my grief now provides me with the ability to provide that same comfort to others. As a nurse I have been accused of causing harm amongst other things when death occurs, but I understand this is grief speaking. I find it amazing that everything that I learned during one of the darkest seasons in my life has placed me in a position to help so many others.
I understand that grief is expressed differently, and everyone needs their time to grieve to heal properly. I know time softens the impact of some losses then other times it seems like that loss occurred yesterday. Grief is just like pain it is subjective. With loss, I believe we learn how to manage our grief and I manage mine by remembering the good.
Did I sign up for this?
As a single mother there have been so many things I had to learn through trial and error. When I mastered one level it was time to be promoted to a new level with new struggles. I once despised struggles until I realized afterwards, I was left stronger and with a greater clarity than before. There are times I recall that there was no one I could call on but God. I could not take on one more responsibility or if I heard, “Mom I need” once more; I was going to run away.
Frequently thinking that I would never be successful at being a mother until it hit me. Realizing I was already a successful mother, I needed to master being a happy mother. I see my children as blank canvases and it is my responsibility to provide them with knowledge as they grow. It took me years to realize I was a blank canvas as well in many areas. Motherhood was something I was experiencing for the first time and I had an important audience watching me.
I Got This
When I shifted my mindset, I was able to enjoy the little moments without being so critical of myself. When I started taking every struggle and concern before God, I began to receive strategy that makes me feel like nothing will ever stand in my way again. God has improved my relationship with my children and vice versa. I realized how dependent my children are on me and I can only imagine this is the level of dependency God desires to receive from His children. This is a new habit I practice daily, bringing all things to Him. Even things I thought I had all figured out He provides a new perspective.
I confidently know there is nothing that I will not be able to overcome because I will never leave God’s presence. As with all blessings they are not just for you to enjoy. God has placed other single mothers around me that I am now able to lift during some of their dark seasons. I experience a sense of de va ju when hearing some of their struggles, but I know how to handle it, and I can provide them with a different perspective.
For the first time I utterly understand what it means to be blessed to be a blessing. Before my thoughts always went towards money but you can bless others with anything that the Lord has placed within you. Whenever you overcome something never be afraid to reach back and provide someone with the help that kept you going. Likewise, if you need help never be afraid to reach out to others near you. God placed them there for a reason.
If He did it before, He will do it again
As a nurse I have listened to numerous stories from patients who recently received an organ transplant that are more confident in their ability to recover. Simply because someone close to them also went through the same thing and came out on top. God wants you to know if He did it for them, He will also do it for you. When we see people in a position we desire to hold, it is not time to become jealous, it should be a form of inspiration that your time is coming. Keep pressing forward, my journey continues…